Scenes of nature op.4 no.1 (complete) (2021)
Composed throughout 2020 and into 2021, 'Scenes of Nature' is a multi-movement solo piano work that encapsulates various settings of nature to music. Written and performed by Sam Colcheedas at its premiere at Tempo Rubato, Melbourne Australia, this concert also featured the work of visual artist Karen Eriksen, who live-interpreted each scene of nature using watercolour paints.
Duftwolke ('Fragrant Cloud') (2020)
Commissioned by David Ross-Smith and dedicated to the memory of
The Reverend David McIndoe Hodges, AM
and to Uniting AgeWell's 'Music For David'
program. Written in 2020, this piece pays pays homage to Elgar's 'nimrod' variations using a similar chord structure and also to the well known song 'Oh, Danny boy' which was one of David Hodge's most loved pieces. Centred around the german 'Duftwolke' rose which was also his favourite flower, it emulates light aromatic qualities in texture in a more simple contemporary style. The 'fragrant cloud' (Duftwolke) can be heard in the opening chords before the theme.
'Scenes of Nature' op. 4 no. 1, II: "The sun setting on an ocean horizon" (2020)
'Scenes of nature' is a new composition commissioned by The City of Melbourne. The solo piano work consists of six movements that explore various scenes of nature. The image based compositions are written in a neo-impressionist style. The premiere of this new work is due to be held sometime in late 2020.
'Aromatic' Fantasy for string quartet (2019) - 11'
'...particular scents re-ignite fond and distant memories. Whilst they may linger only momentarily, they bathe us in a soothing and euphoric nostalgia.'
Performed by the Invictus Quartet at Tempo Rubato, Melbourne, 2nd November 2019, this piece explores the link between aromas and memories.
It's getting dark (2019) for solo piano - 10'
Commissioned by The Royal Society of Victoria in 2019, this is a solo piano work written for National Science Week 2019 alongside its theme of ‘ extrasensory’, which was premiered in the Parliament House of Victoria by Sam Colcheedas.
It encapsulates the last moments of NASA's Opportunity Rover that has roamed the surface of Mars for the past 15 years. The main motif in this work directly spells out ‘opportunity’ through note to letter assignment. Throughout this programmatic piece, what can be heard are portrayals of the desolate landscapes of mars, the isolation that Opportunity experienced, and the sandstorm that engulfed the planet and ultimately lead to the death of Opportunity. Prior to the storm, it sent its last transmission to Earth, saying; ‘My battery is low and it's getting dark.'
Performed live in concert at Tempo Rubato and composed by Sam Colcheedas on August 13th, 2019.
A wayward Zephyr (2017) for solo piano - 16'
Commissioned by Dr. Renee Beale from the Carlton Connect Initiative.
Zephyr | noun | zeph.yr | \’ze-fer\ - A light, gentle breeze from the west. A wayward zephyr: Inspired by the graceful unpredictability of the wind, this piece explores the harmony of dissonance and the ability to harness nature’s wind energy. Composed for the exhibition, ‘Naturophilia’, it is in two movements, and each movement follows the metamorphic journey of the zephyr. I: Adagio molto espressivo, ‘The exploration of the zephyr’. II: Allegro maestoso, ‘The metamorphosis of the zephyr into a tempest’. Recorded Live on 23rd March, at LAB-14 on a Steinway M, written and performed by pianist Sam Colcheedas courtesy of EPG pianos and the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music.